
Kerala is the one of most important honey source in Indian Union. Claimate of kerala is main factor of production of Honey. Western ghats of kerala is the main source of honey kerala. Kerala beekeeprs are mainly collect honey from 2 types Honey bees such as Apis Cerana Indica and Trigona Iridipennis. Apis Cerana Indiaca locally called njodiyal theneecha. Comparitively they are very smart and energetic Honey bees. Beekeeper in kerala mainly keep this type of honey bees for the commercial production of honey. In a season averge 10-35 kg honey will produce Apis cerana Indica types Honey Bees. On different season honey bees will produce different types of flavour honey such as flower honey, coffe tree flower honey, traditional honey, lichi honey, Mustard honey, forest honey etc.

According to Ayurveda, regular use of honey will leads to a man with good health. It will reduce fat. A sugar* patients can drink one tabele spoon honey every day. Honey is the most important medcine in ayurveda and alopathy. An average European will drink in an year almost 20-25 kg honey. But in India average consumption of honey of Indian is 10 grams per year. Ancient Egiption is considered honey as Liquid gold.

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